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8 self-help books that will change your life

Here are 8 self-help books that will change your life

Why does your life never STAY good after a big win?
Most people think success is about working toward your dreams. Not true.
In The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks shows you how you're sabotaging your success to stay in your comfort zone.

When most people make mistakes, they course-correct and keep going. This is wrong.
In Stop Doing That Shit, Gary John Bishop shows you how course correction is futile and how to instead construct your life from the ground up.

Most relationship conflict is preventable, but we cause each other to get defensive with our words. Nonviolent Communication gives you a new framework for expressing your feelings and needs AND actually being heard.

Most self-help books don't respect your time. They stretch a single concept over 300 pages. Brianna Wiest's 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think drops a new life-altering, knowledge bomb every 3 pages. Read one essay a day.

Most people think success means financial freedom, having a family, a good job, etc. But when they get there, they ask "what's next?".
The Second Mountain shows you to find your true calling and meaning in life.

What do the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu have in common? They both have been through unspeakable hardship and are happier for it. The Book of Joy will teach you to turn your darkest moments into your most joyful triumphs.

Thousands of books try to tell you how to heal from trauma. Most of it is just pop science.
The Body Keeps The Score is the new bible for therapists and clients alike for healing trauma. It will change your life.

Most people suck at negotiating. The problem is that you're forgetting to empathize. In Never Split The Difference, you'll learn from an FBI Hostage Negotiator how to negotiate anything: from money to your kid's bedtime.