Relevant Creators
Machine Learning Developer Advocate @neuralmagic. Ex @layer_ai. Tweets on machine learning and deep learning
senior research scientist @google brain 🧠
Staff Research Scientist at Google Brain
Assistant professor @unccs, faculty researcher @huggingface 🤗, working on nonbayesian parameterics, sweet lessons, and random birds. Here for preprints.
Ph.D student at INRIA in the @FlowersINRIA. I am working on the how language and RL interact
@openai researcher, engineer, cofounder. Interested in reinforcement learning, AI alignment, birds, jazz music
Research Scientist at 🤗 @huggingface, PhD. student at @FlowersINRIA. Studying how autonomous Deep RL agents 🤖 can leverage large Language Models 📖
Inventor or co-inventor of over 15 patents covering 5 different technological issues. Recipient of awards for his thesis and certain publications.
ヽ(⌐■_■)ノ♪♬ @ @GauntletNetwork/@robotventures/@pleasrDAO // Past: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @ HFT/@DEShawResearch/@cornell main: @guilleangeris
Creator @datasetteproj, co-creator Django. PSF board. @nichemuseums. Hangs out with @natbat + @cleopaws. He/Him. Mastodon:
Senior Staff Engineer at Google Brain
Research scientist at Google DeepMind. Research interest lies broadly in optimization methods for machine learning. He obtained his Ph.D. in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University in May 2022. His Ph.D. thesis focused on resource-constrained AutoML. He was advised by Prof. Madeleine Udell and had Prof. Thorsten Joachims and Prof. Kilian Q. Weinberger on his committee. From Summer 2021 to Spring 2022, He was a student researcher at Google Brain. He received a B.S. degree in physics from Fudan University in 2016.