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Author, podcaster, and retired United States Navy officer. Served in the Navy SEALs and was a member of SEAL Team 3.
Your average person... Maybe a little less. Jocko Podcast and I make videos sometimes, too.
British academic, historian, and author specializing in foreign policy, international relations, and strategy. Emeritus Professor of War Studies at King's College London.
Author of multiple novels, including The Big War (1957), adapted into a movie in 1958, and The Last Convertible (1978), made into a television mini-series in 1979. Once An Eagle (1968) and The Last Convertible (1978) became international best-sellers, translated into 19 languages.
Historian and Rancher
(Ph.D. Kings College) Former head of the National Security Doctrine Department in the Israel Ministry of Strategic Affairs. Expert on insurgencies and combat