Relevant Creators
understanding machine & human minds to build a creative abundant future. CEO @genintelligent.
Scientist described as one of the most significant theoretical physicists of the 20th century. Made contributions to quantum theory, neuropsychology, and the philosophy of mind. Known for his causal and deterministic interpretation of quantum theory, De Broglie-Bohm theory.
English author and parapsychology researcher. Proposed the concept of morphic resonance, a conjecture that lacks mainstream acceptance. Worked as a biochemist at Cambridge University, a Harvard scholar, a researcher at the Royal Society, and a plant physiologist for ICRISAT in India.
Scottish philosopher who taught at various university institutions, including Glasgow and Oxford. Worked in British intelligence during the two world wars and played a diplomatic role on behalf of Poland at the 1919 Versailles conference.
English mathematician and philosopher. Creator of process philosophy, applied in various disciplines including ecology, theology, education, physics, biology, economics, and psychology.
I am the founder of The Breath Alchemy Technique, and have been teaching for thirty-two years. My books are regarded as underground spiritual classics. In addition to Nothing In This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are, I am the author of Something In This Book Is True... , and You Are a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience. My three books---having sold in excess of 700,000 copies---are published in twenty five languages and are available in more than thirty countries. As a result, I have given my two workshops—The Breath of Life and The Flower of Life---throughout North America, as well as Europe and Australia. As an avid lover of music, it pleases me greatly to know that musicians have credited the ideas presented in my books as a source of inspiration for their own creative work. In my books, I detail from a big-picture perspective, the enormous infusion of higher dimensional energy that is dramatically raising the vibratory rate of the planet and everyone on it. I also give the details of the personal transformation that we must make if we are to survive and thrive, so we can “catch the ride” into higher consciousness in a way that enables Mother Earth to reach critical mass and become “lit from within”. I am therefore, on a mission to helping as many thousands of men and women as I can in opening up to their unlimited potential by discovering that the resolution to any unwanted condition lies within them! On a personal note, I am a nature enthusiast. I love to hike and all manner of cats, squirrels, ducks, wild turkeys, deer, and redwood trees catch my eye. I live in Sonoma, California.
Academic working in the fields of ontology and biomedical informatics. Author of more than 700 scientific publications, including 15 authored or edited books. Widely cited philosopher.
Made influential and original contributions to logic, especially modal logic. Known for developing Kripke semantics, a semantics for modal logic involving possible worlds. Recipient of the 2001 Schock Prize in Logic and Philosophy.
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