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British author, journalist, and blogger. Previously deputy editor of UnHerd and The Catholic Herald, and a columnist for The Daily Telegraph and The Spectator.
Online educator, encouraging kindness and intellectual curiosity. (sub to my newsletter below)
Political commentator and podcast host known for live streaming the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests. Joined Vice Media and Fusion TV in 2014. Promotes right-wing views on YouTube and other platforms.
A liberal, proud Indian, sports enthusiast, believe in co-existence with mutual respect, equal opportunity and equality before the law.
DE JURE, Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse @IASToulouse, Data Science Justice Collaboratory, Founder @oTree Open Source Research Association
Asst Prof @ETH Zurich: Law, Economics, and Data Science. Previously @warwickecon, @PrincetonSPIA, @columbia_econ, @ColumbiaLaw, @UTAustin