Relevant Creators
Red Letter Media is responsible for the 70 minute Phantom Menace review as well as Space Cop, Half in the Bag, and Best of the Worst. Full time frauds.
Threads on Trending 'NFT' topics // Posting a thread each day until i break down!
Documentary Doer.
entertainment writer, @polygon. co-host @wildwildtechpod. repped by @lynnjohnstonlit. previously writing for @vulture, @GQMagazine, and lots of other places.
He is a professor of audio engineering near Hershey, PA, instructional designer, writer, and a theme park aficionado. As a partner of, He produce a podcast on the themed entertainment industry with a few colleagues who used to work for Disney. And he write quite a bit, with several books, articles on theme parks, and the occasional column for the professional audio industry.
Partner, Head of Marketing @A16ZGAMES, GAMES FUND ONE | Prior: Marketing @Supercell, @RiotGames, @Activision | Descendent of a mythological sea monster 🐙