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Tweet on Current Affairs & Public Policy !! Data Science Intern !! SQL !! Python !! Machine learning !! PowerBI !! Excel !! Tableau
The Database Guy. I am helping you get better with MySQL and PostgreSQL. Database slow? Hire me! Building: @stackbricksapp https://t.co/Yfe8XeSBfg https://t.co/Dl209uqGom
✨ critical inquiry with & about data/methods/infrastructures 🌿 @kingsdh @publicdatalab @digitalmethods @medialab_scpo 🐘 @jwyg@post.lurk.org 🏮 客家人 #hakka
Received bachelor's degree from Northern Arizona University. Worked for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the intelligence community. Attended Stanford University, earning Masters and PhD in computer science. Co-founded Illuminics Systems and developed OpenFlow. Doctorate received from Northern Arizona University in 2017.
We're building libraries and tools in the Rust programming language! The streams are intended for users who are already ...