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Artist and designer born in 1972. Studied design at the University of Cincinnati and later explored software and electronics as art. Directed music videos for the band The National.
Hold a B.A. in Fine Arts from Hunter College and both a B.F.A. and M.F.A. in Design and Technology from Parsons School of Design.
Artist and programmer. Created artworks exploring algorithms to generate patterns of virtual flocking birds. Producing director at P73 Productions Inc., a New York theater company.
Artist, researcher, educator, instigator. He/him. Co-Director, @creativeinquiry. Chaotic Good.
Former Chief Technology Officer of Everbridge. President of Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) from 2008 to 2013. Research professor at the MIT Media Lab.
🎨 I draw with code 📝 Creative Coding Blog: http://gorillasun.de