What is the future of community building? Some quotes, links, and resources... ๐Ÿงต
We all need community. But technology and the world around us have changed. This thread is intended to explore this question. In my community building, I aim to ground timeless concepts with the shifting grounds we live to shape ways of life that integrate us together.
"That regeneration enables such plain persons to put to question the dominant modes of moral and social discourse and the institutions that find their expression in those modes." - Alasdair Macintyre, After Virtue
"technology contributes to loneliness... it hinders us from being known or vulnerable... technology allows us to know too much about everything... Even thoughts are transformed... when they're thought for an audience" David Zahl, Low Anthropology, @mockingbirdmin
.@stratechery explores the future of the digital community in this post.

"Exposure [to competing views] happens in an environment of trust that encourages understanding, not posturing."
What about community, as it relates to business? @PatFlynn of with @AGuttormsen
explore this in an episode of the @teamSPI podcast.
โ€œthe best way to start a successful community would be to build the one you need yourself.โ€ - @techladyallison Founder of @jointechladies
What about the community in the Metaverse?

"Not only do you need to be an entrepreneur, you need to be a great community manager."

@CathyHackl Explores this idea with @zoescaman in this @Adweek podcast episode with

@TobyDiva Any thoughts on this?
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