Create a product in less than 10 minutes like me to start getting paid.

Get tips, create a subscription, sell workshops and digital products before you pay a dime.

And with the email marketing and landing page features, @ConvertKit is THE creator marketing platform.

8 Steps ๐Ÿ‘‡
Throughout these steps, I'll share ๐Ÿ”ฅ conversion tips to help you.

Being a creator is hard, right?

Getting up and running to sell something isn't.

See the end result of what we are building -

(yup, it's live too if you have interest)
Step 1: Create a product

- Click Earn > Products
- Click +New Product
Step 2: Set up your product

- Name your product
- Choose Pricing (can be one-time, a subscription, and pay what you want)
Tip: Can have multiple Subscription plans
Tip: Can have a minimum price for PWYW
- Click Next
Step 3: Choose Fulfillment

- Click Digital Download if you are selling an ebook or other download
- Select a File to deliver if you are selling a download
- Click Newsletter or Something Else if you want to sell a workshop or paid newsletter (more on this in a future tweet)
Step 4: Choose the page

- Type in the page name you'd like your product to be.
- Hint: Keep it short and clear. Don't be fancy or clever with your URL.
- Click Create Product
Step 5: Your Product Page

If you've built a landing page or form in ConvertKit, this is EXACTLY the same.

- Click on any element to bring up its settings.
- Click General Styles in sidebar to adjust fonts, colors, etc to match your brand
Instead of telling you what to click, here are some tips.

- Show the product, in use if possible.
- Add more detail to your product name (optional)
- Add a description showing benefits over features
- Change the button text to emphasize value over action (h/t @harrydry)
Step 6: Review Checkout and Confirmation

- Nothing to change on Checkout so review that everything looks good with the fonts and colors.
- Change the color of the Confirmation header (optional)
- Describe in detail what your new customer should expect on the Confirmation page
Step 7: Write the Receipt Email

- Works the same as any other email in ConvertKit and attaches the order summary
- Be specific about what your customer should expect from you and how to get the product.
- Click Save
- Click Publish and you can see your live product.
Step 8: Test it!

You could create a 100% off discount code, but I suggest going through as your customer would and issue yourself a refund.

There will be small fees, so not completely free, but call it the price of doing business.

๐Ÿ’Ž Experience is everything
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