Co-author of Mosaic, the first widely used web browser with a graphical user interface. Co-founder of Netscape and general partner of Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. Co-founder of Ning. Net-worth estimated at $1.7 billion by Forbes.
Received bachelor's degree from Northern Arizona University. Worked for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the intelligence community. Attended Stanford University, earning Masters and PhD in computer science. Co-founded Illuminics Systems and developed OpenFlow. Doctorate received from Northern Arizona University in 2017.
early product mgr & first lead PM @stripe. product advisor. formerly @twitter @google @yahoo. my tweets are useful for some—useless for many—not for everyone ❤️
In Search of Antifragility. Into volatility, bitcoin, complex systems, marketing and UT football. Trying to at least be wrong in interesting ways.
Entrepreneur and lawyer. Studied political science at Stanford University and received a J.D. from Harvard Law School. Notable for his association with Peter Thiel and involvement in challenging Stanford's rules on student speech.
Management consultant, educator, and author. Contributions to the foundations of modern management theory. Leader in the development of management education and inventor of management by objectives and self-control.
Former football player and coach. Graduated from Columbia University with a bachelor's degree in economics. Co-founder of the Old Blue Rugby Football Club. Head coach of Columbia Lions football team.
📖 I tweet about books & becoming a better reader. 🎙 Host of "The Reader's Journey" podcast. 📧 Get a free book summary every week (link in bio)
Bring the Donuts. Coach to product leaders. I write about product management at Before: 14 years @Google (he/him)
Tweets about DTC, Growth mktg, bootstrapping, investing and @cardinals. Founder & CEO of @GatewayX. Co-founder @Ampush. Married to @tweepika. Papa to R&S.
I deconstruct how leading companies & individuals leverage marketing & psychology to grow exponentially. Now: @GetBaraka Ex: @KPMG @Nestle