I've spent 20+ hours studying the 4 main struggles that come with building a community and how to overcome them.

Here’s what I’ve learned…🧵

In this thread I’ll cover:

1. Define your community.
2. Define your USP.
3. Reward your community.
4. Provide value and Incentivize engagement.

Let’s dive in…👇

1/ Defining Your Community:

To build a great community, you must first define who your target audience is and where they congregate online.

You want to conduct market research, analyze demographics and create personas to understand their interests and pain points.

You need to be very specific about the people that you want to attract.

Here are a few things to think about:

1. What do they want?
2. What are their needs?
3. What are their Desires?
4. Who Is your dream customer?

2/ Define Your USP:

To stand out in a crowded market, you must have a unique selling proposition (USP).

This will help highlight the benefits of your product and sets you apart from the competition.

You want to make sure that your product solves a real problem for your consumers and has a clear value proposition.

Ask yourself these three questions:

1. What are you selling?
2. Who are you selling it to?
3. Why should they care?

3/ Reward Your Community:

A great way to keep your community engaged is to build a rewarding system.

Give the most active members perks and exclusive access and benefits within the ecosystem.

This builds a sense of belonging and encourages them to stay engaged.

Another way to reward your community is to give them early access to new features, products, etc.

This creates a sense of exclusivity and excitement, making them feel valued.

Failing to reward and recognize your community can lead to disengagement and loss of interest.

4. Provide Value and Incentivize Engagement:

To keep your community engaged, you must provide value upfront.

You want to create educational content, showcase your product, provide early access, etc.

Engage with your community regularly to build trust and credibility.

Curating a great community is essential for the success of any web3 company.

We have seen it time and time again…

A good community can help build the demand for any product.

This should be the number 1 focus for any founder looking to grow long-term.

Thank you for reading!

→If you enjoyed this thread make sure to like and RT and follow me (@0xfJuan)

Let me know what you think, founders can do to build a strong community and why community is or isn’t important in this space?


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JYP @NFT_JYP · May 1, 2023
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Great thread bro!