3 persuasive hook writing hacks I learned from the lead writer at ESPN (with 15 years experience):
Hook modifiers crank your ‘go viral’ meter up to 10.

They increase the perceived value of your writing.

Imagine you're buying a new car and the dealership throws in heated seats for free.

We're gonna do the same to your writing with these 3 modifiers...
The “what is that?” modifier

Purpose - add a new twist to a relevant problem.

Framework - known + unknown

Known = How to come up with writing ideas
Unknown = Infinite turtles technique

Make it relevant. Then make it elegant.
The “I want it now” modifier

Aka. The quickie

Purpose - shorten the time horizon for your readers desired result.

❌ I’ll get you jacked in 12 months.
✅ I’ll get you jacked in 3 months.

Keep it realistic or look like a gimmick.
The “I trust you” modifier

Purpose - persuades the reader to care about you.

• Borrow accomplishments
• Elegantly flaunt your accomplishments
• Make your past clients look like heroes

In a zombie apocalypse people trust the guy with the strongest safe house.
If you've made it this far on our hook writing journey, I have a gift for you.

A treasure of sorts.

15 months of hook writing knowledge packed into one simple Notion cheat sheet.

Download it here:

Increase the perceived value of your hooks with modifiers:

• Add social proof to build trust
• Add novelty to trigger dopamine
• Shorten time frames to entice bratty readers
If you’ve made it this far, you must've enjoyed the journey.

So you might as well drop me a follow @taylinsimmonds

And RT the 1st tweet to pimp a friend's hooks.

Until next time,

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