Experienced professional with a background at Apple, Microsoft, and Automattic as a growth engineer.
Internet entrepreneur, philanthropist, and programmer. Co-founder and former CEO of Twitter, Inc., co-founder, principal executive officer, and chairperson of Block, Inc. Also a co-founder of Bluesky, PBLLC.
Bonnie is a freelance journalist and author. You may know her from her years of writing and editing at The Week. She's a columnist at Christianity Today and fellow at Defense Priorities, a foreign policy think tank, and has been widely published at outlets including The New York Times, USA Today, CNN, NBC, Politico, and Reason. Her first book was A Flexible Faith: Rethinking What It Means to Follow Jesus Today (2018). She has a master’s in Christian thought from Bethel Seminary, and lives in Pittsburgh with her husband, twin sons, and guinea pigs.
Stories & Systems - #WayTruthLife - Husband - Father (5) - Author - Freelancer - Cinephile - Polymath - Suns Fan - Share Life. Thrive Together.
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