Social psychologist, psychoanalyst, sociologist, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist. Founder of The William Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry, Psychoanalysis and Psychology.
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Astronomer, planetary scientist, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist, science communicator, author, and professor. Known for research on the possibility of extraterrestrial life, assembly of the Pioneer plaque and the Voyager Golden Record, and advocating for the greenhouse effect hypothesis on Venus.
Carl Jung established analytical psychology. He advanced the idea of introvert and extrovert personalities and the power of the unconscious.
Author, blogger, a lifetime of projects.
Canadian physician and author with a background in family practice. Specializes in childhood development, trauma, and lifelong impacts on physical and mental health.
Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics
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Business Adm. and Economics student at Koç University
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