I write/edit @techdirt. I survived for 12 years without a bio on Twitter, but now I've added one.
Editor Emeritus, Host of "The Ben Shapiro Show” and author of 4 NYT bestsellers including "The Authoritarian Moment.”
Co-founder of @SyndicateDAO. Previously Philosophy @Stanford. Ethereum since the 2014 pre-sale. Tweeting about DAOs, smart contracts, and Loot. Creator of $AGLD
Council Member @synthetix_io. Inventor of @aelinprotocol. House collector.
futurist. disruptor. ape.
English Literature graduate from Rutgers University. Contributed to The Daily Targum school paper as a writer.
Co-founder & CEO of Circle @circlepay Open internet platforms, crypto, bitcoin, globalism, human and civil rights. $USDC
Professor @CardozoLaw; co-founder @OpenLawOfficial / @TheLAOOfficial / @flamingoDAO
Lead developer of ENS & Ethereum Foundation alum. he/him
Cryptocurrency & civil liberties attorney; general counsel @protocollabs; special counsel @EFF; board chair @FilFoundation
Founder @LensProtocol @AaveAave web3 investoooorrr - Contributor to @PleasrDAO @FlamingoDAO @VENTURE_DAO - Opinions my own - Google 1998 vibes 🐬☁️
Partner @paradigm | just doing my part to make us robots faster