Upcarta community
building @upcarta make money sound again.
Virginia Valenzuela, Managing Editor 💎 @SuperRare Magazine #NFTs #web3 #crypto
I am the millionaire educator that is turning Twitter into my personal Art Gallery.
Editorial Director @ SuperRare Magazine
CEO/Founder @Kraftful - Copilot for product builders. @YCombinator alumna, @Pioneer_Fund VP, @Stanford fellow, @GenAIFounders founder
The Social Layer of Web3 🌿
One of the world's leading research and teaching institutions. Accelerating climate solutions through the new @StanfordDoerr School of Sustainability.
Founder @Sismo_eth / ZK, Privacy, Decentralization and History
Community first investing @1kxNetwork && (@Meta_Cartel, @Venture_DAO)
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