Professor of Materials Physics and Innovation Policy at the University of Manchester. Nanotechnology, polymer physics, regional economic growth.
A really interesting episode, highlighting the paradox that UK ranks as no 4 on the global innovation index, yet it's close to bottom of the leave on productivity growth. V good discussion digging below the aggregate, highlighting both UK's strengths & weaknesses in innovation.

“In many sectors this is the way globalisation works: a small handful of companies are responsible for the world’s production of a single widget” Great piece on the detailed texture of globalisation:the world economy is even more interdependent than simple trade figures suggest.

Important & rightly praised thread on why UK's problem is lack of demand for skilled people, not lack of supply. Result of chronic underinvestment in UK & resulting economic stagnation Some important additional context: post-GFC divergence in economic performance between UK & USA
A great piece on Oldham's economic problems, featuring @FrancisAlun & @AndyWWestwood. Quotes a resident: “We just haven’t got any money" - sounds obvious, but so many SE-based politicians & commentators don't appreciate just how poor towns like Oldham are.

I enjoyed this evening's @ukonward event on industrial strategy, a lot of consensus amongst the panel on (a) the need for industrial strategy, and (b) some of the necessary ingredients for the situation the UK finds itself in. This is a good summary thread...
"Nuclear takes too long to build", say its opponents. Great post from @_HannahRitchie looking at the data. "The median time to build a nuclear reactor was 6.3 years", but there's a long tail. But some countries (like the UK) have just got worse at building anything.