Computer programmer and video game developer. Co-founder of id Software and lead programmer of iconic games such as Commander Keen, Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, and Quake. Made innovations in 3D computer graphics, including Carmack's Reverse algorithm for shadow volumes. Former CTO of Oculus VR and currently working on his startup, Keen Technologies.
Podcaster and neuroscientist. Associate professor of neurobiology at Stanford University School of Medicine. Host of the Huberman Lab podcast, ranked among the top 10 podcasts on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. The podcast has over 3.5 million subscribers on YouTube.
Director of AI at Tesla. Previously a research scientist at OpenAI and CS PhD student at Stanford. I like to train deep neural nets on large datasets 🧠🤖💥
Videos exploring research topics in artificial intelligence, deep learning, autonomous vehicles, and beyond.
monkey see monkey do