Follow me for catchy business tweets. former CEO Bebo (đź’° @twitch) & Angel Investor in 25 startups a year.
A sport/music guy from a macro-finance background Sprezzatura always. On a list of Sportsbiz influencers. Co-host of AYNE podcast All opinions are my IP only
Crypto Market Analyst - Bloomberg Intelligence. Chartered Markets Technician Association global board member. Freedom over fear. Always. Views are my own.
Writing threads to demystify business and finance. Investor, advisor and educator. Gave up a grand slam on ESPN in 2012 and still waiting for it to land.
Chief Fatalist at Concoda Capital. Geopolitical and financial market forecastings. Monetary plumbing buff. DALLE Avatar (yep). “You’re no angel” — @profplum99
Videos exploring research topics in artificial intelligence, deep learning, autonomous vehicles, and beyond.
Author, Things That Make You Go Hmmm..., Co-Founder, Real Vision Group, Advisor to Vulpes Inv Mgt. & Matterhorn AM. Retweets ≠ endorsements. Likes = bookmarks
This channel will help you build and protect wealth through investing, real estate and an extreme dose of the economic RED PILL. By using a very UNIQUE strategy I've increased my personal freedom and thrived financially in a world of out of control central banks and big governments. And now I'm going to teach you to do the same. I'm NOT a guru, I'm a former entrepreneur, turned investor, who has years of experience investing in multiple countries. My goal is simply to share my secrets of success with you. SUBSCRIBE NOW and you'll receive weekly instructional, information, and tips videos that'll give you masters level education in investing, real estate, and free market MUCH MUCH MORE. So what are you waiting for? SUBSCRIBE NOW!! And I'll see you on the next video... George Ways you can SUPPORT THE CHANNEL! 1. Donate via PayPal 2. Use our Amazon affiliate link
I deconstruct how the top 1% do things. Turning them into mental models for you to apply in business and life.
Founder/CEO - Global Macro Investor and Real Vision Group, Business Cycle Economist, Investment Strategist, Economic Historian, Traveller and Rum Drinker..