Theoretical physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, theory of quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of superfluidity. Nobel Prize recipient for his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics.
Cofounder of @a16z. Author of The Hard Thing About Hard Things. New book, What You Do Is Who You Are
Investor, author, economist, and co-founder of the Discovery Institute. Author of "Wealth and Poverty" which advocated for supply-side economics and capitalism. Chairman of George Gilder Fund Management, LLC.
#Bitcoin pleb orange pilling Boomers on skis | @BTC_Coalition | Former: AARP, CMU, Chaum & Fleury | DYOR/Views = my own | Edu & Satire | Tech+Wisdom
Pressing #bitcoin matters. Freedom maximalist. Spinning starfish @konsensusn
Socratic thinker pursuing the underlying first principles. Find the Truth. Find it everywhere.
Writing threads to demystify business and finance. Investor, advisor and educator. Gave up a grand slam on ESPN in 2012 and still waiting for it to land.
#bitcoin is digital real estate
#Bitcoin - There Is No Alternative | "There are BTC megabulls...and then there's Bitcoin TINA ;)" Dan McArdle Nothing I say or tweet is financial advice.