USA: Did Trump Win the 2020 Presidential Election By A Large Margin?

To believe that Donald Trump won the 2020 election by a large margin you’d have to believe…

“- the electoral system in the United State is broken to the degree that fraud is widespread and pervasive and of sufficient magnitude to move a [presidential] election.

- people as close to Trump as Mike Pence have become part of a conspiratorial network or who have been shut down by those have been able to put sufficient pressure on him.

- the judiciary in the United States, which I believe has ruled something like 60 times against his claims against his claims and one time in favor, has become uncontrollably corrupt, even on the Republican side, even when those Republicans were nominated by Trump or Trump's people.

- the only person standing on moral high ground through all of this, has been Trump.”

“And do you still believe the election was stolen?" - Liz Cheney: (02:21:34)

"Not so much now. I got away from all the social media when January 6th happened. Basically deleted it all. I started doing my own research and everything. And for me, for something like that to be that to actually… For that to actually take place, it’s too big. There’s no way you can keep something like that quiet as big as something like that. With all the lawsuits being shot down one after another, that was mainly what convinced me.” - Steven Ayres: (02:21:37)

“Of the 64 cases brought by Trump and his supporters, twenty were dismissed before a hearing on the merits, fourteen were voluntarily dismissed by Trump and his supporters before a hearing on the merits, and 30 cases included a hearing on the merits. Only in one Pennsylvania case involving far too few votes to overturn the results did Trump and his supporters prevail.”

“For each claim, we find that what is purported to be an anomalous fact about the election result is either not a fact or not anomalous. In many cases the alleged fact, if shown to withstand scrutiny, would hardly constitute convincing evidence that Biden was elected due to fraud: A modest advantage to Biden in counties that chose to use Dominion machines, for example, could be explained by chance, by factors not accounted for in statistical models, or indeed by pro-Trump fraud undertaken using other voting machines. As it happens, the allegedly anomalous features we consider appear mundane once properly measured or placed in the appropriate context.”

“…until three months ago she was under the spell of what she calls “the Trump cult.” She attended the Jan. 6 rally as a self-appointed “citizen journalist”…

“…January 6th, it’s a WAR!”

Hemphill later said that she had not realized how lost she had become.

“You don’t see it as a cult when you’re in it…”

She said she had deepening doubts that the election had really been stolen.

But Trumpism kept its hold on her until after she was back home and family members began speaking hard truth to her just as she had to alcoholics and drug abusers before she retired as a substance abuse counselor.

“I started seeing the narcissistic behavior,” she recalled. “And I said, ‘Wait, wait, this is gaslighting. This is not true.’” She began to listen to what her gut had been telling her.

She came to understand how she and others became members of the Trump cult.

“It’s called love-bombing,” she said. “He’s a rescuer trying to save the world, you know.”

“Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”’

“But according to experts and those once close to him, Rhodes' testimony -- specifically about veterans -- was a mirage, one that aimed to show an organization keen on supporting veterans while preying on their desire to defend the country once again.”

“A pattern emerged during Monday’s hearing of the Jan. 6 select committee. Aides of former President Donald Trump repeatedly told him the election was over or nearly impossible to overturn. He had lost.

In numerous video recordings, they admitted they found Trump’s fraud claims untrue — and that he did indeed lose the 2020 election to Joe Biden.”

“Former Donald Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani has admitted to making "false" statements about election workers who were accused of tampering with ballots in the 2020 presidential election count in Georgia.”

So sad and horrifying.

This is someone who was encouraged and loved her work in the election offices. She was doing her duty as an American Citizen only to be completely and unjustifiable targeted with a firehose of falsehoods, including Trump's own disparaging remarks.

“It’s turned my life upside-down,” Moss said. “I won’t even introduce myself by my name anymore. I get nervous when I bump into someone I know in the grocery store who says my name. I am worried about who is listening.”

“There is nowhere I feel safe,” Freeman said. “Do you know how it feels to have the president of the United States target you? The president of the United States is supposed to represent every American, not to target one. But he targeted me, Lady Ruby. A small business owner, a mother, a proud American citizen who stood up to help Fulton County run an election in the middle of the pandemic.”