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7 must-read books to learn about AI and machine learning

7 must-read books to learn about AI and machine learning. (A thread) 馃憞馃У

This is a comprehensive textbook on artificial intelligence that covers a wide range of topics, including machine learning, robotics, and natural language processing.

This book is a comprehensive introduction to the mathematical foundations of machine learning.

This book provides an in-depth introduction to deep learning, a subfield of machine learning that has achieved impressive results in a variety of applications.

In the book, Tegmark discusses the potential impacts of artificial intelligence on society and humanity, and explores the ethical and philosophical implications of creating intelligent machines.

This book is a practical guide to natural language processing, a subfield of artificial intelligence that deals with the interaction between computers and human languages.

This book is a classic introduction to reinforcement learning, which is a type of machine learning that involves training an agent to take actions in an environment in order to maximize a reward.

This book delves into the moral and ethical implications of artificial intelligence, including issues related to autonomy, accountability, and the potential for AI to violate human rights.