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My 10 Favorite Books of 2021

My 10 Favorite Books of 2021

The best advice is often timeless and this book proves that.
It's filled with 365 pieces of wisdom from people who lived 2,000+ years ago. The best part? You can read it one page a day so it will help you develop a daily reading habit."Anger is not impressive or tough–it's a mistake. It's a weakness...Strength is the ability to maintain a hold of oneself."

JBP's second book is as amazing as his first.

He combines psychology, philosophy, history, and religion to share 12 more lessons that will transform your life.

If you want to move towards the potential of who you could be, read this book.

Key lesson:

"You need to know where you were, so that you do not repeat the mistakes of the past. You need to know where you are, or you will not be able to draw a line from your starting point to your destination."

Logan is a behavioral scientist who spent years researching dating & relationships.
In her book, she shares science-backed advice on how to find love in the modern dating world. If you're dating online or on apps, this book is a must-read.