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All Time Favorite Links

"Here are my all-time favorite links." – David Perell

A superb two-part series on America's geography and how it shapes the country's politics.

America has many structural advantages, such as big oceans to the East and West and more navigable internal waterways than the rest of the world combined.

Rich Barton is a rare breed. He's built three billion-dollar consumer technology companies: Expedia, Zillow, and Glassdoor.

This essay from
shows how he built all three companies with the same general strategy.

Most books are extended articles, but this article is a shortened book and the best introduction to systems design I’ve found.

Though almost every American student dreams of attending an Ivy League school, this essay highlights the drawbacks of doing so, and it does so with awe-inducing prose.

We live in a society where the numbers have the final say. But focusing too much on numbers can lead to adverse side effects. By obsessing over quantification, we often ignore the aspects of life that can't be measured and forget what ultimately matters.

It argues for the importance of being alone, so you can silence the barrage of other people's thoughts and listen to your own.

This essay is the best argument I've seen for manual labor.

Work humbles us and puts us in our place as frail human beings. Long and repetitive days of hard work are meaningful because we become one with our tools as become the builders we're born to be.