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Weekly Dose of Optimism (1 July 2022)

First Weekly Dose of Optimism 10 articles, podcasts, essays, books, and videos to give you a jolt of optimism going into the long weekend.

1. Energy Superabundance: How Cheap, Abundant Energy Will Shape Our Future by @elidourado & @Vernon3Austin

"flying cars, hyperloop, sub-orbital point-to-point travel, electric autonomous trucking, vertical farming, water desalination... so much more"

3a. The Vibecession by @kylascan
(Bonus! related to podcast above)

"Vibecession - a period of temporary vibe decline where economic data such as trade and industrial activity are relatively okayish"

4. Minerva: Solving Quantitative Reasoning Problems with Language Models from @alewkowycz
& the Google Research Team

"We hope that general models capable of solving quantitative reasoning problems will help push the frontiers of science and education."

6. CRISPR, 10 Years On by @carlzimmer

"Cancer biologists are using [CRISPR] to discover hidden vulnerabilities of tumor cells. Doctors are using CRISPR to edit genes that cause hereditary diseases."