Codie Sanchez @Codie_Sanchez
May 8, 2023
What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
Name one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work.
RJM1960 @RJM1960
May 11, 2023
- Answered to What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
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Same for me, I read it when I was 21 and it was life-changing

Donald Mahoe Jr. @donaldmahoe
May 9, 2023
- Answered to What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
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N E I L @BakangModiseBW
May 9, 2023
- Answered to What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
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Apr 1, 2013

Aram @aramshakh
May 9, 2023
- Answered to What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
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David Elikwu FRSA @Delikwu
May 9, 2023
- Answered to What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
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If I could only pick one, I'd say The One Thing
Apr 1, 2013

Byron Grealy @ByronGrealy
May 9, 2023
- Answered to What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
- From Twitter
The Courage to be Disliked, a great book on Adlerian psychology.
Ren @renlogs
May 9, 2023
- Answered to What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
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Antonio Cue Gonzalez @antoniocuegonz
May 9, 2023
- Answered to What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
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Leon Castillo @leoncastilloSM
May 9, 2023
- Answered to What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
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Sahir @fvlkrum
May 9, 2023
- Answered to What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
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Miranda Rider @MirandaRider
May 9, 2023
- Answered to What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
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chase adams @curiouslychase
May 9, 2023
- Answered to What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
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