Have you read a really great academic article recently (ideas-wise) that's also really well-written?
Have you read a really great academic article recently (ideas-wise) that's also really well-written? I want to hear about it
- Answered to Have you read a really great academic article recently (ideas-wise) that's also really well-written?
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It's from 2018 (so recent-ish?), but the article "Whose Best Friend? Dogs and Racial Boundary Maintenance in a Multiracial Neighborhood" by Sara Mayorga is great. I used it recently in an intro to sociology class and the students found it really engaging.
- Answered to Have you read a really great academic article recently (ideas-wise) that's also really well-written?
- From Twitter
Here’s the whole collection of articles:

- Answered to Have you read a really great academic article recently (ideas-wise) that's also really well-written?
- From Twitter
- Answered to Have you read a really great academic article recently (ideas-wise) that's also really well-written?
- From Twitter
my go-to for "amazing ideas, gorgeous writing" is sara ahmed. maybe you know her but if not you might really like the opening of her book The Promise of Happiness; the standalone chapter (that became a full book), Happy Objects, shows up in a google search

- Answered to Have you read a really great academic article recently (ideas-wise) that's also really well-written?
- From Twitter
my go-to for "amazing ideas, gorgeous writing" is sara ahmed. maybe you know her but if not you might really like the opening of her book The Promise of Happiness; the standalone chapter (that became a full book), Happy Objects, shows up in a google search

- Answered to Have you read a really great academic article recently (ideas-wise) that's also really well-written?
- From Twitter
Not standard academic articles, but I LOVE the History Unclassified section of the @AmHistReview — see, for example, Emily Callaci’s “On Acknowledgements” here for free: