Transformers were introduced to replace the need for Recurrent Neural Networks in natural language processing.

Here are THREE reasons why the transformer architecture is better than the RNN architecture.

--A Thread --
First, a brief on RNNs vs. Transformers

RNNs such as LSTMs have a remember gate that enables the network to have long-term memory.

Transformers achieve the same using self-attention.

Transformers relay information through the input sequences through self-attention.
For example, consider this sentence.

"The animal didn't drink the water because it was too dirty." Does "it" refer to the water or the animal? Water.

The transformer uses self-attention to know that "it" refers to water by giving water more weight compared to the other terms.
Reason 1: The Transformer is better than RNNs because they are better at handling long-term dependencies than RNNs.

The use of attention makes it possible to model longer-term dependencies because each layer can have access to the entire input, unlike RNNs.
Reason 2: Transformers are parallelizable, unlike RNNs. Making them a good fit for accelerators such as GPUs and TPUs.

Parallelization is possible because layer outputs can be computed in parallel.
Reason 3: Transformers are faster than RNNs because of the parallelization factor. In RNNs, the computation happens one after the other, making the process slow, while in Transformers, computation happens in parallel.

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