Stress causes health complications for millions of adults.

If you want to avoid the risks of chronic stress, read this:
We live in a world filled with micro-stressors, such as notifications and meetings, as well as macro-stressors, such as family affairs and deadlines.

This constant stream of stress keeps our minds in fight-or-flight mode, which leads to a wide range of health issues. 👇
1. High blood sugar

Cortisol is the primary stress hormone, and it releases glucose to give your body more energy during stressful times.

Excess cortisol causes spikes in blood sugar levels, which can result in:

• Fatigue
• Dehydration
• Impaired cognitive function
2. Impaired immune system

"Worried sick" is a real thing.

Stress interferes with your immune system, making you susceptible to illness over time.

Your immune system may be compromised by stress if you often feel fatigued, have swollen lymph nodes, or catch colds easily.
3. Muscle fatigue

Stress causes your muscles to tense up to protect you from potential injury.

If you’re constantly stressed, your muscles never get a chance to relax.

This leads you to feel sore and weak. Eventually, it can turn into chronic pain that requires medical help.
4. Disrupted hormones

Short-term stress causes an initial spike in testosterone, but chronic stress ultimately leads to lower T levels.

This can cause erectile dysfunction, lower ambition, and fatigue.

In women, chronic stress can lead to menstrual irregularities.
5. Mental health disorders

Anxiety and depression are mental health disorders that can result from chronic stress.

These can severely impact your overall performance and quality of life.

If they get bad enough, they can require professional help and medication.
As a husband, father, and founder, I’m no stranger to high-stress levels.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to take control of your stress.

Here are 7 tips on reducing stress to live a healthier, happier life:
1. Routine exercise

Physical activity releases endorphins, which are your “feel good” hormones.

I train 5 days a week, but you don’t have to put in hours at the gym to reap these benefits.

Even a 30-minute walk will help you feel noticeably more relaxed.
2. Breathing exercises

When we're stressed, our breathing becomes shallow.

These short, rapid breaths can make us feel even more anxious.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take slow, deep breaths to relax and center yourself.
3. Meditation

Overthinking often exacerbates stress.

Meditation reduces stress levels by helping you focus on the present.

10 minutes of meditation will relieve stress and help you face your stressors with a clear mind.
4. Getting proper sleep

Sleep plays a critical role in regulating hormone levels.

When you are sleep deprived, your body produces more stress hormones, which amplifies your stress levels.

For optimal performance, aim for 8 hours of sleep every night.
5. Practice gratitude

Focusing on what you're grateful for can help shift your perspective and reduce feelings of anxiety.

Take a few moments each day to reflect on what you're thankful for.

I end my day by journaling about the things I’m grateful for and excited about.
6. Spend time in nature

We live in an age of total connection.

You have access to everyone — and they have access to you.

Spend more time in nature to disconnect from the endless barrage of notifications and alerts.
7. Improve your diet

The modern diet is a recipe for anxiety.

Processed foods and saturated fats cause inflammation, which is known to result in feelings of anxiousness and irritability.

Nutrients like B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids help reduce stress and anxiety levels.
Here are more great ways to reduce stress:

• Stay active
• Eat a healthy diet
• Limit caffeine intake
• Spend time in nature
• Practice mindfulness
• Minimize screen time
• Avoid procrastination
• Spend time with loved ones
• Create boundaries and learn to say “no”
Remember: you can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond to it.

For more insights on how to optimize your health and performance, follow me @johnnyxbrown!

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Great thread!