The General use of Data Bases is to store and access Data but let's bring Machine Learning into Data Bases.

Let's build NLP Applications with Hugging Face and GPT-3 right inside the Data Base with just a few SQL commands πŸ”₯

A Thread πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡
Introducing MindsDB that helps in bringing machine learning into databases and it's completely open source.

Let's build a simple Sentiment Classifier model on Text Data.

All you want to do is go to, create a Free Demo Account, and get started.
Now connect to your favorite Data Base. Here let's connect to a Demo Data Base "example_db".

In the Data Base let's explore the text data contained in the "amazon_reviews" table

Here is how you can do it πŸ‘‡
Now, here is the most important part of getting the pre-trained model either from Hugging Face πŸ€— or Open AI.

Let's create a text sentiment classifier using Hugging Face.

For that get the model from HF and apply the Sentiment Analysis to the review TableπŸ‘‡
Once you set up the HF Model wait until the Status is "completed" βœ…

Now use the model to classify the Text.
That's how you can leverage the pre trained Models from HF and Open AI to build NLP Applications right inside your DB.

MindsDB is Open Source, checkout the Github Repo here:
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