Life flows better when you stop reacting.

How to stop overthinking and create a habit of abundance:
We are a society of overthinkers who live in a world of constant stimulation.

Look around you.
Dissociation is as common as breathing.

But a big part of why we exist is to experience the present moment as it is happening.
Even as an entrepreneur I’m faced with a million outlets my mind could go down.

Unless I’m intentional I’ll drown in the nonessentials - and so will my business.
This simple process helps me remember who I am and thrive.

I hope it helps you too.
• Go outside

Never thought this would be controversial but here we are.

Your brain needs oxygen.
Your skin needs sunlight.

Your soul needs the wind in your face and the solid rhythm of footsteps pulsing through your bones.
• Box breathing

You’re not running from a lion.
Slow everything down.

Walk in rhythm with your breath to activate your insular cortex. This regulates your autonomic nervous system and decreases anxiety.

4 steps - inhale
4 steps - hold
4 steps - exhale
4 steps - hold
• Grounding

Anxiety and stress are in the past and the future.

Grounding anchors you into the present.
Connects you with what is real.

Notice what is around you - the colors, the sounds, the physical feeling of being.

Touch a leaf as you walk by.

Here, now - life is good.
• Return to the breath

You may find yourself speeding up.

Return to the breath.
In 4 (hold) / Out 4 (hold)

The steady rhythm stimulates your brain’s production of serotonin.

Serotonin boosts your mood, lets you feel calm, and reminds you that all is right with the world.
• Bilateral stimulation

Tap your middle finger and thumb together in pace with your steps.

left, right, left, right...

This simple emdr technique integrates information from your brain’s two hemispheres.

It lets you see your problems without being overwhelmed by them.
• Let go

An uncontrolled mind ruminates and worries.
A free mind explores and creates.

Let your mind drift.

It may rest and process - or it may turn over ideas & challenges in a new way.

The best things in life can’t be forced - you relax into them.
• Speak to yourself

Take your internal voice and externalize it.

Talking out loud slows down your thoughts as you access the brain’s language centers.

I use help see outside of myself.

(Phone in pocket w/ headphones so you don’t break flow.)
• Set an intention

Bring your walk to an end by setting an intention.

Take control of your choices by saying out loud what you’re going to accomplish through your actions.

If it’s simple it sticks.
The water is always calm if you go deep enough under the surface.

Do this once or twice a week and you’ll begin leading yourself as the person you choose to be.

Do it every day and you’ll become the person you choose to be.

Everything is exponential.
Thanks for reading!

Please RT the first tweet and drop a comment below if anything resonated with you.

Shift to abundance:

• Go outside
• Box breathing
• Grounding
• Gratitude
• Return to the breath
• Bilateral stimulation
• Let go
• Speak to yourself
• Set an intention

Lead yourself well.
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