According to nationwide MAP testing, the average high school student in the United States learns… nothing. 👇
First off, what is MAP testing?

MAP is the nationwide Measures of Academic Progress test & it assesses K-12 students’ achievement and growth in academic content.
MAP takes the scores from students all over the nation and creates tables with the percentile scores for each grade.

These tables clearly show the data from the catastrophe that is our educational system–especially high school.

The average (50th percentile) student learns next to nothing in FOUR years of high school.

It’s only the high achievers (99th percentile) who see growth.
And not only that, but those 50th percentile 12th graders score the EXACT same as the highest performing 3rd graders.
You heard that right. We’re graduating kids who know as much math as a 3rd grader.

What is our education system doing? Certainly not educating kids.
My school, Alpha High, gave all the students MAP tests this week-and I scored off the charts (in a good way).

It’s not just me, either. My best friends all soar past the 99th percentile numbers in all four subjects.
What’s more–our growth percentile is absolutely crazy.

The average high school student at Alpha is growing their score at 5X the rate of a normal school. (Ex. instead of improving by 2 points, they improve by 10.)
What are we doing differently?

How are we getting these incredible numbers?
We weren’t born understanding these complex concepts, we didn’t have a life-changing teacher, and we don’t spend 5X the amount of time studying.

Instead, we use online, adaptive learning software.

These online apps allow each student to learn at their own pace.
For those who are able to quickly understand the material, the apps allow the students to advance to a level that challenges them, and for those who are confused, the apps allow the students to be placed at a level to learn the foundations they are missing.
Online apps ensure that each student masters the content–and reaches the 99th percentile in that grade level–before letting them move on.
And because of the adaptivity, students can move through the content at a much faster pace because they aren’t waiting for another student to catch up, allowing them to improve at insane rates.
Through online learning, it’s possible for anyone to reach the 99th percentile and grow at least twice as fast as they would in the education system.

All you have to do is try.
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