Your newsletter is not growing fast enough.

There's one FREE tactic many 50k - 100k newsletters used to get to where they are.


[🧶 thread]
The first time after launching a newsletter can be challenging.

Before word-of-mouth and organic growth take off, it might feel as if you are sending into a void.

By teaming up with other newsletter owners, you can grow by talking about each other's newsletters.
🛠 How-to

The cross-promotion works best when you both have audiences that have similar interests:

▪️ Find newsletters (tools and resources below) with similar audiences.
▪️ Reach out to the owners with your offer.
▪️ Track your progress
💰 Success stories

▪️ @jspector ran a cross-promo in FTI and sent 1200 people to their sign-up page (250+ subscribed).

▪️ @emanuelcinca ran cross-promotions when @stackedmarketer crossed 2000 subscribers. Out of the current 50k, between 4000-8000 are from cross-promotions.

▪️ @growthcurrency added the "GC Newsletter of the Week" for weekly swaps. He recently hit 3k subscribers.

▪️ @GregBussmann got 30% of his subscribers from swaps with other newsletters.

▪️ @lennysan is getting 78% of his new subscribers from Substack's referral feature.
🙊 Quotes

"I like to schedule one every week and have really low expectations. If I get a few subscribers, it’s a win, but I’m not relying on them as my main promotional strategy. Unexpected relationships often form out of just connecting."
- @chenellco

"Find someone with a similar audience as yours and see if it's a match.
▪️ How big is their list?
▪️ Who are their subscribers? What are they interested in learning?
▪️ What's the format of their newsletter?"
- @rezzz , Evergreen

@emanuelcinca 👇
@rezzz @emanuelcinca 🕳 Mistakes

▪️ Not tracking the results. There's no one-size-fits-all.

▪️ Not using UTM tags. Do it, and you'll be able to see the exact number of subscribers from each collaboration.

▪️ Once you go over 10,000 subs, swaps have a lower ROI

🪛 Tools

▪️ Lettergrowth .com lets you find and connect with newsletter owners open for cross-promotion.

▪️ @SparkLoopHQ 's Upscribe works with all major newsletter platforms.

▪️ Organize your cross-promotions with this free @NotionHQ template:
[tools cont.]

▪️ @collabmatch_io currently has 200+ newsletters in their database.

▪️ @refindcom - send them one, they send one back.

▪️ Post on @IndieHackers .

▪️ @InboxStash - newsletters based on popularity and topics

▪️ @inboxreads - Email newsletters for any topic.
🗂 Resources

The Newsletter Blueprint: Community for newsletter owners →

Cross-promo email template from

Thread in subreddit r/tech_newsletter for connecting newsletter owners →
This was originally sent to my newsletter, Make&Market.

A twice-a-week newsletter with tactics and resources for growing your audience and your business.

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This took me over 5 hours to research and put together.

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Possible problem to be aware of.

Having a well crafted welcome sequence will help a lot.

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