Hi Chase. You had ample opportunity to engage in civil, rational, evidence-based debate. I myself offered you this opportunity on a few occasions, and you ignored all of them.

@JamesCantorPhD, author of the peer-reviewed fact check of the Jason Rafferty/@AmerAcadPeds 2018 guidelines on pediatric medicine, offered to debate Rafferty or anyone else at the AAP on this issue. He was ignored.
@JuliaMasonMD1 and other courageous pediatricians have been begging the AAP for a more systematic review of the evidence for years now. They've been routinely shut down and their voices silenced.
When the actions of U.S. medical organizations were finally put under public scrutiny...
The leaders of these institutions, rather than welcoming debate and dissent as a vital part of the scientific process and as essential to medical progress, called anyone who doesn't toe the ideological line "transphobic."
Prestigious medical journals, including @aap_peds, regularly publish junk science that wouldn't pass muster as an undergraduate paper. In some cases, the authors literally make up sources to support their own conclusions.
Researchers claim to find evidence that hormones improve mental health when they don't, publish their findings in highly misleading language, and the media gobble it up as settled science.
The university where the researchers work finds out about the mischaracterization but covers it up, preferring its own reputation to its duty to promote good research and ensure an informed public.
The world's leading medical journal then publishes a piece openly casting any criticism of "gender affirming care" as "science denialism"--a profoundly disturbing violation of the scientific process.
When policymakers are told that gender clinics across the country are conducting careful mental health assessments and following the "best data" we have...
Investigative journalists discover that clinics are doing the exact opposite, allowing kids to dictate their own medical treatments, regardless of consequence, regardless of mental health needs, and all on the premise that these kids "know who they are."
Sooner or later, even pro-trans professionals working within the field of pediatric gender medicine can no longer avert their eyes. Witnessing the horrors of this abuse day after day, one blows the whistle at great personal and professional risk.
Meanwhile, under pressure from your ACLU, schools across the country are socially transitioning kids without the knowledge of their parents or against their consent, despite health authorities in other countries calling this practice dangerous.
Operating under a guise of kindness & "civil rights," schools put children whose behaviors would until recently have been considered mere nonconformity onto a pathway to pituitary gland shutdown, synthetic hormone flooding, & irreversible surgeries.
Parents who raise concerns about the health and wellbeing of their children are bullied into submission with the lie--recognized as such by doctors and researchers in other countries--that if they don't submit, their kids will kill themselves.

The Biden administration takes its marching orders from an ideological-activist-group-cum-medical-organization that now recognizes "eunuch" as a childhood "gender identity." The assistant secretary for HHS repeats discredited talking points about "medical necessity" and suicide.
Meanwhile, lawyers at "civil liberties" organizations whose historic mission has been to protect and promote free speech and public debate invoke academic queer theory and vow to "die on hills" in order to "stop the circulation" of books like @AbigailShrier's Irreversible Damage.
The one corrective mechanism to the dangerous ideological takeover of medicine--open, honest, good faith, rational, evidence-based debate--is dismantled by the very organizations charged with protecting it.
So yes, the tide is turning, and not a moment too soon. Let this be a lesson, Chase. You cannot ride the wave of totalitarian politics when it suits you and then cry "fascism" when parents, doctors, researchers, journalists, and concerned citizens begin to resist.
We would all prefer that "legislatures not practice medicine," that medical protocols be devised and implemented by medical professional in a responsible, evidence-based way. But you have helped to make that impossible, and now you must live with the consequences.
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