Mapping the world’s business & investing knowledge: @OSAMResearch 🧬 / @psumvc 🟣 / @capitalcamp ⛺️ / @joincolossus 🔎 / @join__frontier🌐
Founder, Chairman & Co-Chief Investment Officer, OSAM LLC. Author, "What Works on Wall Street," Host "Infinite Loops" podcast 🎙
Founder of @ProductHunt, @WeekendFund investor.
@Shopify CEO by day, Dad in the evening, hacker at night. - Rails alumni; Comprehensivist.
I invest @a16z. I co-host @GoodTimeShowCH w/ @aarthir. You can find my writing at and interviews at
Writing threads to demystify business and finance. Investor, advisor and educator. Gave up a grand slam on ESPN in 2012 and still waiting for it to land.
VC at (hearts == stars, follows != endorsements)
helping the creative world conquer the messy middle & make ideas happen. founder @behance, cpo @adobe, angel in 80+ startups the world needs. product obsessive.
The most fun way to learn something new everyday with the biggest account on Twitter with no checkmark.
crypto @coinbase. Views are my own.
Productising built environments: office and apartment buildings. Master Plan 2: Productise cities. Master Plan 3: Build cities on Mars.