It's really sad that LeBron James supplanted Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as the NBA scoring king. James completely destroyed his own respectable legacy of speaking out on US social justice issues when he tried to get Daryl Morey punished for correctly speaking out in favor of Hong Kong
Kareem's activist legacy is at least as respectable, yet he's never offered a defense of a country actively engaging in ethnic cleansing. LeBron is more concerned about his financial ties to China than the human rights of the Uyghur people or Hong Kong
Actual quote from LeBron in regards to Morey's Hong Kong tweet: "And so many people could have been harmed not only financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually. So just be careful what we tweet and say and we do..."
Aw, the poor billionaire is worried his net worth might drop. Guess what? The people of Hong Kong were harmed financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually. Many Uyghurs are in damn prison camps being forcibly reeducated and sterilized. Screw LeBron. The NBA deserves better.
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