πŸš€ Everything you need to know about GitHub??🀯

Do check it Out:πŸ§΅πŸ‘‡
βœ… What is GitHub?
: To say briefly, it is a file or code-sharing service to collaborate with different people
It is software that is used for Version Control(to keep track of the Code or File in case some changes are made). In this Day & Age GitHub is the Most Popular for this.
βœ… How does GitHub make it simple to use?
: GitHub provides you with an awesome visual interface that helps you to track or manage your version-controlled projects locally.
After registering on GitHub, you can connect with social networks and build a strong profile with projects.
Let's Get Started!
First, get yourself an account with GitHub.
The first task after making your profile is to Create a Repository.
βœ… What is a Repository that we are talking about?
: A Git repository tracks and saves the history of all changes made to the files in a Git project that we previously uploaded.
βœ… How to create a Repository?
Follow these steps:-
1. --> Sign up for GitHub
2. --> Start a project (Button)
3. --> Enter Repository Name
4. --> Public or Private (for you it's Public)
# You can give a description of your file here
5. --> Click Create Repository!
🀩WoW, Now you've created your own repository!!🀩

βœ… Now Let's Know about Branching, and what are its uses?

Branching:- There's a source code on which everyone works, this is known as Master Branch and the versions we created by editing are known as New Branch/Changed branch.
βœ… How to create a Branch?
: Click on the dropdown β€œBranch: master”
As soon as you click on the branch, you can find an existing branch or you can create a new one. In my case, I am creating a new branch with a name β€œreadme- changes".
For Example:-
βœ… After you've created a new branch to work on.
Now Let's learn about Commands/Operations in GitHub:
1. Commit Command
2. Push Command
3. Pull Command
4. Merge Command
These commands have Different functions such as:
βœ… Other than these Commands, we will know about:
"Cloning and Forking GitHub Repository"
Cloning:- as the name suggests it creates a copy of the file that you have selected
There's a drop-down on right of the page as
"Clone or Download" written select that and clone will be done
βœ… Forking:- Creating a "fork" is producing a personal copy of someone else's project.
As we've known from the start GitHub is mainly to be used by many contributors simultaneously and this "Fork" operation makes it happen here.
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