I’ve hired 50+ CEOs.


Here are the top things I've learned about human nature & high performers:
Most people are focused on impressing people not being impressive.
Most people don't understand that your own opinion is what matters most.

Winners prioritize self-respect over respect from others.
People learn better, faster, and more for fun than they ever do out of requirement.

High performers do it because they love it.
Unless you try to be the best, you won't even be good.
Be wary of people with strongly held opinions on everything.
Most people fail because they think other people owe them something.
You would be 5x more successful if you started replacing the word "should" with the word "will."
If you win at a high level a portion of the population will hate you no matter what.
Most people think achieving goals will make their lives better.

What actually happens?

It makes them obsessed with the process of achievement.
People seek influence over others before they even can influence themselves.
Successful people do 10x more than they consume.

Few leaders read a book a week.
The 80/20 rule exists everywhere.

Top performers have a unique ability to find the 20% that matters.
You will be 10x more productive if you write it down, then reprioritize daily.
Most humans unconsciously index heavily toward loss aversion.

Very few are natural-born risk-takers.
Most people don't actually upskill, they just stack certificates.
People don’t care what you’re doing unless you answer their real question:

“What’s in it for me?”
Don't take favors.

Give them.

It's better to be owed than to owe.
Free will is an illusion.

A combination of experiences, embedded frameworks, and environmental influences guides everyone.

Find their algorithm and you'll be able to predict their future.
Most people aren't free-thinking.

Nearly 2 of 3 Americans (62%) are afraid to express an unpopular opinion.
The ones who aren't, change the world.

And follow me at @Codie_Sanchez for more content like this.

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