I got 1.6m followers across social media just from sharing my ideas.

Here’s how I did it.
1. I was educated in the arts for twenty years.

I made content no one liked for ten years.

And I still kept trying.
2. I took off on social media when I kept trying but I let go of my need to win.

In response to letting go of that need to be famous (scarcity) I focused on creating things that I wanted to make.
It’s important to know what people like.

But you need to make things you want to make while being informed of what people like.

Not sacrifice your own desire to create, because then you can’t tap into your own curiosity and desire to create cool stuff.
3. I made content that ignored my weaknesses and tapped into my strengths.

I stopped trying to be the best at skillsets I had no talent in and I worked on becoming the best version of myself and using my own strengths to do what I was naturally good at.
4. I focused on making the piece of content that made me want to make another piece of content.

Life hacking positive loops can’t be recommended enough.

I made things that built my enthusiasm to make more things.

Because winning makes you win more.
5. I made the smallest possible thing and over delivered.

Taking the small step and then crushing it is underrated.

I did things I knew I could do, that were easy for me, and then I put even more energy into them so they’d be awesome.
6. I stopped overextending myself.

“Push yourself,” is great advice for learning. But terrible advice for performance.

Have you ever heard a musical performance that was at the edge of someone’s ability? Yeah, not enjoyable.

We want to hear people do amazing things easily.
7. I pushed myself in the right places for me.

For me, that was pushing myself to be consistent, to not overextend myself to do something that would fall flat. Basically, to set limits on myself.

Everyone has a direction they need to push, but which way isn’t always obvious.
8. I followed my desire and curiosity.

I didn’t niche (at first).

I didn’t batch (at first).

I made cool stuff I wanted to make in a way that made me want to make more of it.
Eight sounds like a nice round number. You’ll never get everything you need from a Twitter thread.

But the bonus thing I’ll say is that if you are looking for the recipe you won’t find it.

Because the recipe is being cool with no recipe.

Just kidding one more tweet below.
Make stuff in a way that suits your psychology and uses your talents.

Don’t give up but let go at the same time.

Discipline and push yourself in the way that helps you.

Not the way a narrative (recipe) tells you that you should.

Give yourself the chance to learn and grow.
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