Hi, I’m James Clear. I’ve been writing at since 2012. I’m the author of the New York Times bestseller, Atomic Habits, which has sold more than 1 million copies worldwide. I'm also known for my popular 3-2-1 newsletter, which is sent out each week.
Bring the Donuts. Coach to product leaders. I write about product management at Before: 14 years @Google (he/him)
Raj comes out amidst the people who have no great shakes in their lives and are totally unclear about where this life is taking them to. He had dreams but highly vague direction. His thirst for knowledge, travel, learning and success kept him going no matter how many hardships came his way. He will make you believe in yourself much more than you do and feel especial and noteworthy while you experience his journey from being one of those teenagers who are just too lazy to do anything but only manage to pass with 45-50% of grades, till such fascinating things he has done in no time. Being a twenty-year-young, he has spoken in India, Romania, USA, Austria, Singapore and many more countries and has left people delightfully inspired and moved by his sessions while he makes them interestingly interactive. He was just seventeen when he started working with some renowned firms like Jaguar, Land Rover, TATA and several chemical associations.
if a life coach + a biz strategist had a baby, you get me! 4x founder, 1 exit. philosophy: design your life, build a biz to fund it, + a network to support it.
I research and simplify the latest trends in DeFi. Join my newsletter below to level up your DeFi skills.
I tweet about marketing 👇 | Help companies with their Marketing Ops @clearbit | Host of The Marketing Millennials Podcast | Former D1 Football Player
Soil Physics || Eco-Hydrology Eng. ||Researcher/Doc @aquacosm @UU_University @silan182 @SoWa_Research @UniBonn @CharlesUniPrg
DON'T PANIC | Fmr. CTO Epcylon // CEO Clickrisk // Sec Dev @UBS // Sr. Consultant ISS UK ~ @IBMSecurity // Security Spec TPG ~ @PostNL // Soldier @BritishArmy
Family guy, product manager, baseball addict. Opinions here are mine and mine alone.