PhD Political Science, most recently co-author “Dumbing Down” (Palgrave Macmillan 2022) | Fil. dr i statsvetenskap, skribent, medarbetare & kritiker i SvD
North Dakota native VP of Communications at ATR
Politics, Books, Pittsburgh Pirates, and then some. Pennsylvanian. Husband. Now in NoVA
Free speech, free Assange, pardon Snowden, release Daniel Hale. #ItWasAScam
Family man, PhD in anthropology, adaptationist, recovering from social science since reading Paglia in 1991.
My pronouns, like Stalin's, are Who and Whom; also, Hey, You! and Whatever... My prepositions are Notwithstanding and À La. My interjection is Uh-Oh.
Collector of seashells
Love the good, the true, and the beautiful.