How to feel more calm and energized:
There is a silent killer around that affects almost everybody...

I'm talking about stress.

Stress sucks out your energy and leaves you tired & anxious.

It hurts your health, relationships and productivity.

Here are 6 stress-reducing techniques to be calm and energized:
Social support

Don't listen to the twitter gurus, go out and drink some beers with your friends.

You're not supposed sit in front of a screen all day and hustle.

Research has shown that having a strong social support network can help reduce stress and improve mental health.
Deep breathing

Whenever you feel stressed, anxious or overwhelmed:

Take slow deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Ground yourself in the present.

After just a few minutes you will feel more calm and relaxed.

Training your body is not only healthy and aesthetic:

Regular physical activity has been shown to reduce stress, and improve mood & well-being.

It doesn't matter if you lift-weights, run or do a teamsport.

Moving your body will improve all other areas of your life.

Meditation has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase feelings of relaxation.

You train attention and awareness and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.

Don't know where to start with meditation?

Check out this thread:

Time management

Not knowing what to do and when to do it can be a source of stress in itself.

Create a schedule to make your work look more achievable.

Set clear boundaries to reduce overhwhelm.

If you don't manage your time it will be done for you.

Everybody is talking about walks but there is a reason they do so.

When you walk you move your body, get fresh air and sunlight and you give your mind time to wind off.

Walks give you energy, focus and great ideas.
The skill to make the most out of your energy?


Master it and you'll cut your workweek in half.

Don't lose 20hours/week by not reading this (5min. read).

I'll wrote down the 5 best tips to supercharge your focus.

Grab it here for free:
That's a wrap!

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