Artists need to stop chasing eachothers styles. We've talked about this a lot on the "For The Art" Twitter spaces with @ashley_nft @The_Kid_Icarus @Kingofmidtown1 and @_Fan3_. Some thoughts for artists ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿงต
1/ As an artist, developing your personal style is crucial to standing out in a crowded field. It sets you apart from other artists and allows you to build a loyal following. But it's not something that happens overnight.
2/ Don't rush the process. Experiment and explore different techniques and mediums to find your own style. Every failed experiment is a learning opportunity that can lead you closer to your ultimate goal.
3/ Consistency is key. Have a consistent aesthetic or approach to your art to create a recognizable "brand" for your art.
4/ Be true to yourself. Don't try to copy or mimic other artists' styles, let your unique experiences, interests, and perspective inform your art.
5/ Develop a signature, it could be a specific brush stroke, a certain color palette or a thematic element. This will help you to become more recognizable and build a brand.
6/ Remember that developing a personal style is a lifelong process. As you grow and evolve as an artist, so too will your style.
7/ developing a personal style as an artist is crucial to standing out in a crowded field. It takes time & effort, but by experimenting, being consistent, being true to yourself, developing a signature and viewing the process as a lifelong journey.
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