Bitcoin is literally science fiction.

It is a new type of system, held together by a multi-dimensional elastic band- A band that weaves in and out of different dimensions of reality, previously thought to be more or less independent of each other.

Satoshi fine-tuned the band. Adjusting elasticity, dampening, etc. until the structure was insanely stable.

Think difficulty adjustment, halvening etc.

Forces from one realm of reality are balanced by equal and opposite reactions from adjacent realities. The band may oscillate, but the structure always returns to equilibrium.

Informational reality:

Bitcoin is software, a protocol, an idea, a set of mathematical rules. In other words, it is based in the world of information. This allows Bitcoin (the protocol) to be easily distributed, to be unconfiscatable, and impossible to ban.

Physical reality:

Through proof of work, Bitcoin is directly anchored to the world of matter and energy. The multi-dimensional band passes between to the world of information and world of matter via computation.. electrical energy in (mining), information out (block).

Unlike information, matter and energy cannot be copied. In this way Bitcoin leverages the cost in energy required to move electrons through space, creating an insurmountable defense. This leads to security and scarcity, which is our band’s portal to the next reality.

Psychic reality (consciousness):

Bitcoin is unlike anything humans have ever seen. It aligns with multiple aspects of human nature in a way that incentivizes humans to sacrifice their energy to it, so that they may accumulate it and continue to preserve it.

Additionally, it has captivated the psyche of some of the brightest minds who devote their time to incrementally improving it, finding new ways to utilize it, and evangelizing for it.

Bitcoin is in a constant dance, where if one of these realities gets out of wack, forces from other realities will bring it back into alignment.

Want to alter Bitcoins informational reality (protocol)? Well you will have to appeal the community of node runners. If your appeal doesn’t align with their collective psychic reality, then it will be disregarded.

Balanced tension between the informational and the psychic.

Want to alter (break) Bitcoin’s history of transactions? Well the only way to do that is to acquire a ludicrous amount of hardware and supply copious amounts of electricity for a prolonged period of time. Infeasible.

Balanced tension between the informational and physical.

Want to convince the masses that Bitcoin is a useless Ponzi scheme with no intrinsic value? Well price curve paints a different story. As of right now, one BTC can be exchanged for 228 barrels of oil, or 5,283 lbs of butter, or 9.1 oz of gold.

Psychic-physical balance.

We are dealing with a suspension bridge anchored across multiple realities. Immovable, unfuckable, free to use. Humans could only dream of this technology 15 years ago.

This is the invention of an incorruptible system of value, rooted into the laws of physics.

#Bitcoin is energy money

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Good thread!