It took me 1.5 years to grow my audience to 20,000 people.

My goal is 50,000 by March.

Here’s how I’m going to do it:

Disclaimer: Lots of followers isn't the goal.

The goal is to become someone worth following.

But, there's a huge difference between being valuable and understanding audience-building.

Chase mastery, but do it in public.
🔹3 Threads Per Week

Threads are the IG reels of Twitter.

But the next step for me is to write "earned insights" threads:

- Things I've personally done
- Things I've personally learned
- Not things you can just Google
🔹2-3 Daily Tweets

Threads are great for growth.

But tweets are for sharing your values.

Before I tweet, I ask myself:

“What big idea am I communicating?”
🔹Double Down On What Works

Each time I post a thread, i’ll:

• Take note of how it performed
• The date I posted the thread
• And when I should repost it
🔹Meet 1 Person Each Week

I used to take pride in being a lone wolf.

Now I realize that relationships are everything.

My goal is to meet 1 new person each week.

🔹Document What Works

Writing consistently is just one part of growing online.

The 2nd part is reflecting and analyzing your performance.

• What worked? Why?
• What didn’t work? Why?
• How can I do more of what worked?
🔹Do More Cool Stuff In Real Life

At the end of the day - people follow interesting people.

Even though I’m still in high school.

There’s plenty of things for me to build and accomplish.
🔹Create A Mastermind

It’s no secret…

The top creators are all supporting each other.

To start, create content.

To grow, study attention.

To scale, build your network.

Here’s how I’ll do it:

🔹Create Reinforcing Growth Loops

Reinforcing growth loops are flywheels that compound.

The goal is to keep momentum as high as possible.

• If I do x, y will happen
• If I do y, z will happen
• If I do z, x will happen
🔹Share More Inside Insights

To be completely honest - I’ve been slacking on the build in public part.

There’s a ton of moving pieces behind the scenes that I haven’t been sharing.

I gotta do a better job about that (hold me accountable!)
🔹Build My Personal Moat

It’s no secret… more and more people are joining the creator economy.

So those who rise above and stand out will win big.

I plan on honing my personal moat with this strategy:

🔹Do More CopyWork

Writing is the foundation of content success.

I’ve done CopyWork in the past and it helped a lot.

I plan to double down on it this year.

h/t: @ItsKieranDrew
🔹Bonus: Have Fun

At the end of the day - this game should be fun.

We’re all just here to help each other and have a good time.

If I don’t hit my goal, no sweat.

At least I’ve learned from my project.
P.S. Truthfully, I’ve been doing most of this already.

Sometimes switching things up only slows your growth.

My goal is to raise the intensity but hold the consistency.

Cheers! 🥂

- Jay
Oh, one more thing!

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