The average TikTok user spends over 1.5 hours A DAY scrolling...

It's not a simple APP anymore

It's WORSE than you thought...🧵
Over 1 billion users around the globe.
One of the most used apps on the planet with the biggest growth rate.

A simple app that only has funny, goofy videos to make you laugh
Unfortunately it has become more than that....
I was using TikTok for over 2 years
I used to spend around 2 to 3 hours A DAY.

It was catastrophic for my program and also my mental health.
Getting exposed to so much cheap dopamine is never a good thing.

But this was the concept of it's creation...
From the day TikTok has been created it was specifically designed to be the way it is today.

"In what way?", you might ask.

Well, TikTok was designed to take away your most important assets...

Which are your TIME and ATTENTION.
It's just some 15 second videos what can go wrong with it?

One video after another and hours start to pass.

You spend more and more time in the pursuit of that one video that will hook you up with the dopamine you need.
The way it makes you ADDICTED to it, is not by the videos that are posted there.

The thing that gets you hooked is the process of finding this ONE video.

You end up scrolling and scrolling endlessly, because you can scroll ENDLESSLY...
Artificial intelligence has made it extremely easy for TikTok's algorithm to give the EXACT videos, which will ensure that you stay on the app.

They know what you like and don't like and that's why...
Nowadays TikTok promotes videos that are linked to the things you're addicted to.

There are so many videos of nudity and young girls selling themselves for couple hundred likes...

Thousands of videos that promote every type of degeneracy
You see the problem with this, is that the rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper.

Thousands or even millions of men learn to be comfortable and nothing at all, just for the sake of not sacrificing their comfort.
That's how TikTok is presented is the West.
When we go to the East in Asia and we load up TikTok the content is completely different.

It is being use as a tool to promote the messages the governement wants to spread.

Dedication to the system, obeying etc.
So what now?, you might ask.

Well, the answer is pretty easy.
Reject it completely it'll be tough at the begging I am not going to lie.

Your brain has been wired to get this dose of instant dopamine.
You won't be able to adapt easily.

Here's how you can break free:
-Keep yourself busy
Study more. Focus more on your business or on workouts

-Unistall TikTok
Delete it from your phone

-Change your beliefs
You need to understand that, you only lose time.
You gain NOTHING.
Let that sink in and you'll see the major change.
Now that you're not a slave to it anymore it's time for you to play the game by your rules.

I'm sure you've heard of the huge blow up of such creators as Tate brothers and Sneako.

TikTok has played a big part in their success
In a short amount of time they were able to accumulate BILIONS of views just from short clips.

This is the exact way YOU should use TikTok.
Don't play the instrument, play the orchestra.
Transform from a consumer to a PRODUCER.

Produce quality content that people will watch.
Use it as your tool to grow your audience.

TikTok has already a huge influence on our generation, so why not use it to impact it in a good way?
That's a wrap!

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