Forget the advice that tells you to 'Follow Your Passion'.

Do this instead:
Most people don’t know what they’re passionate about.

This is why the advice “follow your passion” sucks.

Most hear it and are left with no direction.

Instead of passion, you should follow your curiosity:
Following your passion is putting the cart before the horse.

But the correct order is:

Curiosity > Passion > Mastery

When someone tells you to follow your passion, it assumes you’ve already discovered it.

For most people, this isn’t the case.
On the other hand, if someone tells you to follow your curiosity, your entire universe opens up.

Here’s why you should follow your curiosity instead:
1. Curiosity is Endless

Your curiosity may lead you all over this world and beyond.

We live in an amazing and beautiful universe.

The diversity of our universe is one of its greatest joys.

Think about the different areas of study, such as:
Computer Science

And the list goes on and on.

You can devote your entire life to one of these and still never fully comprehend it.
Your curiosity might take you to one of these for 2 years, another for 14, and yet another for 20.

Not all of us should be stuck doing one thing our entire life.

As you grow and mature, your curiosity will lead you to new and exciting adventures.
2. Curiosity Leaves You Energised

Nothing compares to chasing a genuine interest.

And will get you excited in the morning

Status is meaningless
Fame shouldn't drive you
Money shouldn't motivate you
As Naval says…

“Building specific knowledge will feel like play to you but will look like work to others.”

This is what gives you a competitive edge.

The person who feels like they're playing will always surpass those that feel like they're working.
3. Curiosity Isn't Results Driven

At first glance, this might sound like a bad thing.

That’s because most things in life are results-based:

Investing (ROI)
Work (making money)
School (passing class)
Relationships (companionship)

But curiosity isn’t.
You follow your intrinsic desire to learn and what happens, happens.

You learn a new concept or idea and remain disinterested, or, you become fascinated.

Neither is right nor wrong; they just are.

They might lead to different outcomes, but the outcome wasn’t the goal.
4. Curiosity Leads To A Life Of Joy

Following your curiosity brings joy.

By its very nature, you’ll never hate doing what you’re doing.

If you hated it, you wouldn’t be pursuing it.

This approach to life means you’re always doing something interesting and fun to you.
There are no “dull days.”

When something becomes dull, you pivot and chase something else.

You might hate your job, but you love what you’re learning and researching at home.
Every day you look forward to getting off work to pursue something you’re passionate about.

This is one way to live a very meaningful life.

A joyful life is a life worth living.
5. Curiosity Leads to Endless Career Possibilities

Your current job may not be something you’re passionate about.

It may not even be something you’re curious about.

It might be something you’re doing just to get by.

That doesn’t mean you don’t have a bright career ahead.
Instead of watching Netflix, follow your curiosity, and you might just stumble across something that can be a career.

Doors will open for you as you make yourself more valuable.

Don’t worry about when or how it’ll happen; just know that it will.

Because eventually, you’ll become really good at what you’re interested in.

The mastery of that specific knowledge will be valuable to someone.
Chasing your passion will leave you directionless spinning in circles.

Chasing your curiosity will lead you to genuine interest.

Genuine interest will lead to mastery.

Mastery leads to success.
Follow me @_alexbrogan for more thought-provoking content to help you get better at the game of life.

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