“Not taking things personally is a superpower.” —James Clear

5 mental models to develop thick skin:
1. Spotlight Effect (Cognitive Bias)

We think people are paying far more attention to us than they are.

Harsh truth:

Your freedom begins the day you realize nobody is thinking about you.
2. The ‘Procedure or Perception’ Razor

When you receive negative feedback, ask yourself:

- Should I change my procedure (actions I take)?
- Or should I change my perception (how I interpret the advice)?

Avoid constructive feedback from people who’ve never constructed anything.
3. The 10% Hater Rule

The other day I received a comment that I was “toxically positive.”

It reminded me of this quote I love:

“10% of people will find a way to take anything personally. Expect it and treat it as math.” —Tim Ferriss
4. Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is a belief that you CAN improve your abilities through dedication + hard work.

Mastery takes time (for everyone).

Commit yourself to lifelong learning.
5. No is Normal

Paul Mitchell sold encyclopedias door-to-door before becoming a billionaire (from Patrón and hair products).

Life is a numbers game.

Today's winners often got rejected the most (but persevered).

Keep taking shots on goal; eventually, you will break through.
Those were 5 concepts to develop thick skin.

One final thought:

“Trying to get everyone to like you is a sign of mediocrity.” —Colin Powell

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