
I’ve never had a short story—let alone a collection of short stories—stick with me like this book. A bone-melting disease, a void slowly swallowing the Earth, a world where we’re attracted to people’s organs: These stories are futuristic, fucked-up fairytales that are darkly funny and deeply disturbing. A few reviews compared the tales to Dark Mirror, which feels like the most succinct comparison. One story, in particular, has continued to haunt me in my most vulnerable moments: When I can’t fall asleep at 2 a.m., when I’m trapped in a days-long hangover, when I’m in the throes of an existential crisis on a Sunday night and my brain is thinking of all the different ways I could die. Are these stories devastating? Yes. Are they also somehow delightful? Yes! Honestly, I can’t recommend it enough. –Lauren Tousignant